Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sunday Morning Run

Today was another perfect morning for running. I felt good this morning -- I've had two nights of uninterrupted sleep.

I used to train using a Heart Rate Monitor program. I haven't been training lately since I have no long races planned, but I decided that I would go back on the training program starting in August. Under the training program I use, there are some times when the heart rate has to stay below a certain point, within a certain range. When I first start up the training again, it is usually difficult on these days -- I have to walk sometimes just to keep it down to that point. After a week or two I am able to keep the rate low while running. I attribute this to the days when I have to push the rate up -- and after a few days of these I think the body is more efficient.

I decided to strap on the heart rate monitor this morning just to see what kind of shape I was in. I wanted to emulate one of the slower days on the training programming since I had somewhat of a long run yesterday. Well, I surprised myself. I was able to keep my heart rate within the range for the "slow" days of the training program while running. It wasn't an extremely fast pace, but it was a pretty good pace. So, all of my running this summer, even though I haven't been following any program, has been getting/keeping me in shape.

It was a good run; I ended up with 5.75 miles (I had planned on about 4). I did the usual Ginter Road/Riverside Loop (not the back way). I saw a doe and her fawn frolicking in the woods, a flock of yellow finches, and the usual rabbits. I didn't pass too many other runners/walkers this morning -- so many people missed a beautiful morning to be out!

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