Saturday, December 8, 2007

Going Crazy

I'm having a difficult time with this self-imposed running break. I have been trying to work on my "core" through Pilates a few times a week, the Fluidity workout a few times a week, and I have been reading the"Chi Running" book. I'm trying to go slowly through this and read/study every chapter.

I really want to get out there and run. I need new shoes, so I am holding off purchasing those -- once I do, I'll be out the door for a run. I did get on the treadmill this morning, but I only walked (at a relatively fast pace, but at least it was not running!). My leg is feeling much better, and I hope in two more weeks I am able to start running again with no ill consequences.

1 comment:

JewelsDC said...

Hey, there's a Chi-running clinic in Columbus on March 1. I think I'm gonna do it. Are you interested?