Friday, April 17, 2009

Thursday Evening Run

I'm a little slow in posting this blog. I was busy last night.

Anyway, it was a nice, warm evening, for once. Ares and I started off and tried to keep a decent pace. However, he was tired and started getting too warm. I tried to get him to drink water out of a pop bottle, but he couldn't get the hang of it. So, we backed our pace off and did a lot of fast walking.

As we were coming off of the Jefferson Street bridge, we saw a person with a big dog in a yard. They had the dog under control, so we weren't concerned. All at once ANOTHER dog came at us and started barking, etc. I did not know the dog so I didn't know if it was trying to attack us or just investigate and play. I kicked the dog to get it away, and Ares and I almost ended up in the road. I twisted my ankle, and now it's swollen again. The owner called the dog and he went to him right away, but the damage was already done. Additionally, I was shaking so much I could barely walk, let alone run.

I'm told the person who owns the dogs is very nice and would feel badly if they knew what happened to my ankle. However, I'm sick and tired of people letting their dogs run loose. I can no longer take both dogs on a walk by myself, because when we encounter these loose dogs (which happens frequently), I cannot protect two dogs.

Anyway, it was not a good run. We ended up with 3.87 miles.

Gotta run .... If we can stay away from loose dogs

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