Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sunday Morning Run

Wow, it's been more than a week since I've run. It's been a difficult week, getting used to the new work schedule and the fact I have to go into the office now, and getting used to the family's school schedule. Yesterday I was busy with our porch sale, so today it the first chance I've had to run. I have been taking the dog for long walks, though, so that is something.

Today started out nice and cool. Ares and I went the "extended" Riverside loop, and of course we finished with the sprint up the hill by the house. We ran most of the time with a few walk breaks. Ares actually got tired before I did! We saw a few people walking their dogs, and one other runner. This was a high school or possibly early college age kid. And as he passed us, he said "hello Ma'am" -- boy, did I feel old! Well, I guess I am over 50 now.

I felt pretty good after the run. My knee bothered me a bit while mowing the lawn last night, but it held up OK with the running. I need new shoes though -- maybe a trip to Toledo is warranted in the next few weeks.

Gotta run ...

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