Saturday, May 23, 2009

Another Saturday Morning

I didn't get out and run any mornings this week. I did get quite a few walks in, though.

Today is a nice, fairly cool morning. Ares got up at 6:00 a.m. to eat, so after he was finished I put on my running gear and off we went. At first he was reluctant to run, but then he started chasing squirrels and enjoyed himself. We did the usual Riverside loop, sprint up the hill, and then went to the library. Riverside is finally paved, so that part of the run was nice and smooth.

We ended up with 3 miles. The first 2 miles were mainly running, and the last mile was probably half running. I hope to get him (and myself) back up to at least a 3 mile run before the summer 5K's start.

Gotta run ...

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