Ares and I didn't run yesterday, but Ares and I did get three walks in (one with my daughter Kate, one with my son Earl, and one with Earl and the chihuahua, Ese). We probably walked 5-6 miles total.
We went for a decent run/walk this morning. We ran most of the 2-mile Riverside loop with the usual sprint up the hill. Then we went for our cool-down walk. Ares started limping a bit, but he still wanted to walk. We ended up by the library again. It was a beautiful morning and Ares enjoyed being by the river. He eventually stopped limping. He may have just had a stone or something in his paw. So we ended up with just over three miles.
He's enjoyed himself since we got home. I decided to get the lawn mowed before I took a shower and went on with my day, so he spent most of the morning outside. He can't decide if he needs to protect me from the mower, or if he should be very afraid himself. I let him explore it when it was off, so he did relax a bit, enjoy the sunshine, and just watched me mow. Now he will probably rest most of the day. I believe when he gets three walks in a day (with one sometimes running), he is much calmer in the evening and sleeps well.
Gotta run ...
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