Sunday, July 20, 2008

Another run thwarted by the weather

After yesterday's run that was cut short, I got up early today to go for a run. As I started out, I thought I heard thunder, but just then a train went by, so I thought it was just that.

Well, I was about the same spot I was yesterday when the rain hit -- and I hear thunder and see lightening. I turned around and sprinted as fast as I could home. As I mentioned in another post, I don't like lightening! I was in our backyard a few years back when lightening struck our house (that was pretty scary), and when we lived in Florida I actually felt a tingle when I was outside (running to my car) during a storm and then a big bolt of lightening lit up the sky just as I got into the car. I read later that when you feel a tingle like that, you are in danger of being hit.

Anyway, I didn't get too wet because I made it home before the downpour. I ended up with 2.85 miles. I guess if I combine yesterday's afternoon run and today's morning run, I can say I ran once this weekend! Maybe tomorrow it will be better ...

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