Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Tuesday Morning Run

I went running with one of my friends this morning. Our kids were in a contest together on Sunday night, and we decided to make a running date for this morning. Both of us probably would have slept in if we didn't have plans - it's one of those types of mornings. She said she almost called to cancel, but didn't.

We started off around 5:30. It was already muggy outside. Since it was still dark, we ran through town, and up to and through the Lowe's parking lot. We then ran home. We did not do any of the "almost country" running today. I probably should have continued on after we finished, but I needed to get ready for work. We ended up with 4.5 miles. I try to get in at least 5, but it's better than no run at all.

I will be out of town tomorrow so there will be no run. Maybe Thursday, if I can get up after the late night Wednesday.

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