Saturday, July 26, 2008

Saturday Morning Run

It was slightly overcast and cool (well, at least not too hot) when I woke up this morning. I needed a run, of course, so off I went. I felt a little sluggish when I started. It could have been due to eating too much junk food yesterday, or the fact I fell asleep on the couch and slept there all night, or some other reason. After a mile or so the sluggishness started to wear off.

I tried to keep a steady pace -- not too slow, but not too fast, either. My goal was to get a slightly longer run in than I have been lately. I needed to make sure I had enough energy to go an extra mile or two. And just now I realized I bought some Sports Beans yesterday so I could bring them along on a run today. Oh well, I will bring them the next time I plan a longer run. For those not familiar with Sports Beans, they are jelly beans from the makers of Jelly Belly jelly beans (the best jelly beans in my opinion), and they contain nutrients for runners, etc. It is easier to carry these than Gatorade or some other sports drink. Often I have route where I can stop and drink water from drinking fountains, so the Sports Beans give me the electrolytes I need.

I had to edit this -- I forgot to mention what little bit of wildlife there was. I saw the usual rabbits, yellow finches, etc., but the most interest thing happened as I crossed the Hopkins Street bridge. I looked down in time to see a heron catch a fish.

I ended up going the back way and the extended Ginter Road route -- meaning I ran all the way to Watson road and then back to do the Ginter loop. I ended with the Riverside loop. I did meet my goal -- I finished with exactly 8 miles.

I've got to run!

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